Conference presentations




“Semi/Peripheral Connection: Socialist Postcolonialism and Vietnam Wars.” Social Change in Asia and Europe, part 2, Warsaw, Poland, October 4-5.

“Anti-Empire as Method: War in the Polish and Vietnamese Semi-Peripheral Literature and Visual Arts.” 22st World Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association, Macau, S.A.R., China, July 29 – August 2.

“Selling sites of memory in the Czech Republic” within the frame of the panel “The commodification of memory in East Central Europe.” Third Annual Memory Studies Association Conference, Memory Studies Association, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain, June 25-29.

Travelling Memory. How Memories Move in the Age of Globalization – discussion with prof. Astrid Erll, German Historial Institute, Warsaw, Poland, March 6.


“Is There Anything Like a Second World Postcolonialism? History of Socialist Postcolonialism in Postwar Poland.” Conference The Making of The Humanities VII, Society for the History of Humanities, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 15-17.

“Grotowski – Haiti – 'Halka/Haiti'. Glocal Contexts and Universal History.” From J. Grotowski to K. Lupa. On the Influence of Polish Theatre in the World, Shanghai Theatre Academy in cooparation with Faculty of Languages, Nicolaus Copernicus University of Toruń, Poland, and International Theatre Institute UNESCO, Shanghai, China, October 13-14.

“The Core-Peripheral Model à rebours with Some Remarks about Another World Literature (the case of the Czech-Chinese novel ‘On the River’).” Conference: Archives of Resistance: Cosmopolitanism, Memory and World Literature, University of Leeds, UK, June 20-22.

“Between Success and Failure: History of Left-Wing East and Central European Intellectuals in the US”. International Society for Intellectual History Conference: Borders, Boundaries, Limits, St. Andrews University, UK, June 10-13.

“The Romantic Mytho-Logic of Memory: The Battle of Kosovo and Modern Serbian Identity”, Romantic Legacies, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan), November 18-19.
“Malowist, Braudel, Wallerstein: Between World History and World Literature”, 21st World Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association, Vienna, Austria, July 21-27.

“Unexpected Literary Transfer: The Case of the Czech-Chinese Novel On the River”, American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting, Cambridge, MA, USA, March 17-20.


“Marian Małowist: World History on the Socialist Semi-Peripheries”, Alternative Global Geographies. International Conference of the AHRC Project ‘Socialism Goes Global’ in cooperation with the GWZO Leipzig and the Centre for Area Studies Leipzig, Germany, November 13-14.

“Women’s Global Migration during the Second World War. The Case of Halina Kridl”, International Council for Central and East European Studies IX World Congress, University of Tokyo, Makuhari, Japan, August 3-8.

The Drama of Intellectual Life: Performativity in the Study of Ideas, Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH), Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge, UK, May 28-30 (without paper).

“Double authorship. Translingual literature in East-Central Europe”, American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA, March 26-29.


“Manfred Kridl w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Casus Katedry Adama Mickiewicza w Uniwersytecie Columbia” [“Manfred Krild in the US. Casus of the Adam Mickiewicz Chair at Columbia University”], Niekonwencjonalne historie instytucji slawistycznych [Alternative Histories of Slavic Studies’ Institutions], Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, October 23-25.

“Neoliberal Scapegoat. Technocratic Authoritarianism towards the University in Postsocialist Poland”, Situating Solidarities: Social Challenges for Science and Technology Studies, European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST), Faculty of Humanities, NCU, Toruń, Poland, September 17-19.

“Responding to Williams Responding to Latour”, respondent to Melanie Williams’ lecture Responding to Latour – Law and Literature and the “Objecting Object”. Conference Writing Itself, Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH), University of Cambridge, UK, July 1-2.

“Against Whole World. Polish Left-wing Exile Intellectuals against Communism and Emigrants Majority”, British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies Annual Conference, Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge, UK, April 5-7.

“Slavic-World Literature: The 19th Century Pan-Slavic Movements in the Clash between German Ideology and Russian Empire”, American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting: Capitals, New York, USA, March 20-23.
Special Session for the 2014 Modern Language Association Annual Convention titled Translingual Practice: Cross-Disciplinary Conversation, Chicago, USA, January 9-12.


“Always in Minority. Polish Left-wing Exile Intellectuals against Communism and Emigrants Majority”. Conference: Political exile from Central and Eastern Europe. Motives, Strategies, Activities and Perceptions of East and West, 1945-1989, Bratislava, Slovakia, November 19-20.

“Voices from the (Semi)Peripheries. East and Central European Debates on European Identity”. Conference: Re-Inventing Eastern Europe (Second Edition), Euroacademia, Prague, Czech Republic, November 15-16.

“Polská Asociace Literarní Komparatistiki – institucionalizace disciplíny” [“Polish Comparative Literature Association – Institutionalisation of Discipline”]. IV. kongres českých slavistů [The Fourth Congress of Czech Slavists], Telč, Czech Republic, November 13-14.

“Materiality of Translingual Writing and Criticism. Transatlantic Knowledge Transfer”. XXe Congrès de l’Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée / XXth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association), Paris, Sorbonne, July 18-24.

“‘The Primary Chronicle’ in the Light of World-System Theories and Social Constructivism”. Sixteenth Midwest Medieval Slavic Workshop, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA, April 19.


“Die kulturelle (Vor)Geschichte der modernen polnischen Literaturtheorie / Kulturowa (pre)historia nowoczesnej polskiej teorii literatury.“ Conference: Die polnische Literaturtheorie im Kontext der europäischen Literaturwissenschaften / Polska teoria literatury wśród europejskich Literaturwissenschaften, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany, October 26-27.

“Eastern, Central, or East-Central Europe? Identity Dilemmas in Contemporary Poland.” Conference on Re-Inventing Europe, Euroacademia, Vienna, Austria, May 17-19.

“Literature and the Other Social Systems. World(-)System Theories and Social Constructivism.” American Comparative Literature Association, 2012 Annual Meeting Collapse/Catastrophe/Change, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA, March 19 – April 1.


“World Literature in the World(-)System Perspective. A Few Remarks on the Balkans.” Paper presented at the Institute for World Literature, Beijing, PRC, July 7.

“Genealogy of Comparative Literature in Central and Eastern Europe. Towards the Slavic-World Literature.” Conference: The Rise of World Literatures, First Congress of the World Literature Association, Institute of World Literature, Peking University, Beijing, PRC, June 30 – July 3.


“Pre-Turkish Muslim Influence on the Balkan Peninsula. The World(-)System Perspective.” Conference: Convergence and Divergence within the Balkan Keg. Language – Culture – Literature – History. 10 Years of Balkanology in Toruń, Institute of Slavonic Philology, NCU, Toruń, December 2-4.

“Not Everything is Postcolonial Studies. A Few Remarks on the Application of Edward W. Said’s Ideas in the Pre-Colonial World.” Conference: Saidism in the XXI Century. Jagiellonian University, Kraków, November 8-9.

“Czynniki ludzkie i poza-ludzkie w tworzeniu szkoły badawczej (na przykładzie seminarium Manfreda Kridla w Wilnie)” [“Human and Non-Human Actors in Creating of Research School (The Example of Manfred Kridl’s Seminar in Vilnius)”]. 38th Literary-Theoretical Conference, Strukturalizm w Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej. Wizje i rewizje [Structuralism in Central and Eastern Europe. Visions and Revisions], University of Warsaw; Institute of Literary Research, Polish Academy of Science, Świdr near Warsaw, September 16-19.

“Comparative Literature, Anti-Eurocentric Historiography and Literature in the World System.” XIXth International Comparative Literature Association Congress, Expanding the Frontiers of Comparative Literature, Seoul, Korea, August 15-21.

“Universalizing Language, Or, What Has Remained of Eastern-European Structuralism in the United States.” American Comparative Literature Association, 2010 Annual Meeting: Creoles, Diasporas, Cosmopolitanism, New Orleans, LA, USA, April 1-4.


“Transformace, postkomunismus, postkolonialismus, postmodernismus. Paradigmata středoevropské literatury po roce 1989” [“Transformation, Post-communism, Postcolonialism, Postmodernism. Central-European Literary Paradigm After 1989”]. Conference: Česko-slovenské kulturní vztahy po roce 1989: návaznost a změna, [Czech-Slovak Cultural Relations After 1989: Continuity or Change] Masaryková univerzita, Brno (Czech Republic), December 9.

“Zwrot dokonany niedopełniony. Z dziejów nowoczesnego literaturoznawstwa polskiego okresu międzywojennego” [“The Turn Accomplished Not-Fulfilled. The History of Modern Polish Literary Studies of the Interwar Period”]. Conference: „Zwroty” badawcze w humanistyce. Konteksty poznawcze, kulturowe i społeczno-instytucjonalne [“Turns” in Humanities. Cognitive, Cultural, and Socio-Institutional Contexts], Humanistics Forum, Olsztyn – Pluski, October 23-24.


“O roce 1968 bychom měli vědět víc (co Poláci vědí o Československu roku 1968)” [We Should Know More About Year the 1968 (What Polish People Know about Czechoslovakia in 1968)]. Conference: Česko-slovenské reflexe: 1968 (Jazyk – literatura – kultura) [Czech-Slovak Reflexion: 1968 (Language – Literature – Culture], Masaryková univerzita w Brnie, Literárne informačné centrum v Bratislave, Brno (Czech Republic), December 9.


“Tyfus, wszy, klatki, karmiciele i II wojna światowa” [“Typhus, Lice, Cages, Feeders and the Second World War”]. Conference: Rzeczy i ludzie – ludzie i rzeczy. Humanistyka wobec materialności [Things and Humans – Humans and Things. The Humanities Towards Materiality] Humanistics Forum, Olsztyn – Pluski, October 19-20.


“Třináct let po rozpadu československé federace očima Poláka (v středoevropském kontextu)”, [“Thirteen Years after Disintegration of Czechoslovakian Federation in the Eyes of Polish People (in Central-European Context)”] Conference: Třináct let po…, Trinásť rokov po… [Thirteen years after...], Masaryková univerzita Brno, Literárne informačné centrum v Bratislave, Brno (Czech Republic), December 7.


With Olga Kwiatkowska “O przywróceniu zachwianej równowagi w refleksji antropologicznej. Głos podwójny w sprawie przedmiotów” [“For Redressing Unsettled Balance in Anthropological Reflection. Double Opinion in Question of Subjects”]. Conference: Kultura profesjonalna etnologów w Polsce [Professional Culture of Ethnologists in Poland], University of Wrocław, Wrocław, September 8-9.

“Dlaczego literaturoznawstwo polskie jest etycznie ślepe?” [Why Are Polish Literary Studies Ethically Blind?] Conference: Filozofia i etyka interpretacji [Philosophy and Ethics of Interpretation], NCU, Toruń, May 16-18.